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Tranzdoc PDF Data Extraction
Secure Digital Mail


Tranzsoft Secure Digital Mail

What does it do?
Tranzsoft's Secure Digital Mail technology enables the secure electronic sending, translation and receipt by trading partners of business process documents.

Documents commonly handled include purchase orders, invoices and other supply chain documents.

How does it work?
The SaaS (Software as a Service) data extraction and delivery technology has the ability to extract data from a text PDF document and translate and deliver into the receiver's format.

This technology includes a ‘Virtual Sorting Room' that sorts and routes the documents to designated e-mail addresses, fax numbers or hard copy printing and posting.

An additional level of security is also available to enable trading partners to set up their own secure network of users. This requires the downloading of a small application to facilitate the sending, receiving and encrypting for each member of the network.

How do users benefit?

  • Enjoy substantial cost savings by lowering mail processing costs along with the increase in staff productivity
  • Increase efficiency by automating manual transaction processes and eliminating manual intervention
  • Free up accounts receivable staff able to focus on financial tasks rather than sending of invoices, statements etc
  • Simple to install and get started
  • No drain on internal resources – all deployment is done ‘offsite'
  • Guaranteed delivery of documents to customers, so fewer processing delays
  • Ability to integrate legacy systems throughout an enterprise and with trading partners
  • Reduced number of hand-offs, data entry (re-entry of errors) and credit notes
  • Savings are quantifiable (rapid return on investment)
  • Improved data accuracy and quality of information
  • Improved trading partner relationships
  • Improved supply chain performance
  • Sustainability outcomes through reduction in paper and energy costs

To find out more call Tranzsoft on +64 9 448 2075

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